Come On Back...
I guess I am officially a teacher. I just spent the majority of my week at Prof. Devel. sessions. Bureaucracy sucks when it gets in the way of teaching.
I learned a lot of cool techniques and strategies that will help me be a more effective teacher. The only problem is that I'm not sure what my role is, or what I want to do in my student teaching. I mean, I'm pretty limited in my choices, but I want to get the most out of the experience. I don't know whether my skills and ambitions seem shallow (in comparison to the teachers around me), or they really are shallow. I have ideas and plans for the semester and I can picture myself doing all kinds of cool activities; however, when I talk to my cooperating teacher and she asks me about my plans, I hesitate for fear that they don't stack up. I guess that's normal, though.
She asked me today what I want to focus on (a weakness of mine) this semester to make myself better. I didn't know how to respond. I assumed that every aspect would need improvement, so I would not need to pinpoint any one area. After explaining my assumption, she still seemed determined that I should focus on improving one or more specific ares of my teaching.
To explain my title... To explain my title...
The fancy speaker on Wed., flown in from Maine, had a few annoying habits. When the attention of her audience seemed to wane, she would stop mid-sentence and say, "Come on back". It is probably a pretty effective way of redirecting attention back to her, but she said it every five minutes. (I guess that doesn't say much for our attention spans.) Also, when she wanted to stress a point she repeated herself. This is a good strategy; doing this forty times in an hour is excessive and annoying.
Well, I guess I learned not to repeat strategies to the point of annoyance in my classroom.
Feeling of the Day : Helplessness
I learned a lot of cool techniques and strategies that will help me be a more effective teacher. The only problem is that I'm not sure what my role is, or what I want to do in my student teaching. I mean, I'm pretty limited in my choices, but I want to get the most out of the experience. I don't know whether my skills and ambitions seem shallow (in comparison to the teachers around me), or they really are shallow. I have ideas and plans for the semester and I can picture myself doing all kinds of cool activities; however, when I talk to my cooperating teacher and she asks me about my plans, I hesitate for fear that they don't stack up. I guess that's normal, though.
She asked me today what I want to focus on (a weakness of mine) this semester to make myself better. I didn't know how to respond. I assumed that every aspect would need improvement, so I would not need to pinpoint any one area. After explaining my assumption, she still seemed determined that I should focus on improving one or more specific ares of my teaching.
To explain my title... To explain my title...
The fancy speaker on Wed., flown in from Maine, had a few annoying habits. When the attention of her audience seemed to wane, she would stop mid-sentence and say, "Come on back". It is probably a pretty effective way of redirecting attention back to her, but she said it every five minutes. (I guess that doesn't say much for our attention spans.) Also, when she wanted to stress a point she repeated herself. This is a good strategy; doing this forty times in an hour is excessive and annoying.
Well, I guess I learned not to repeat strategies to the point of annoyance in my classroom.
Feeling of the Day : Helplessness
At August 25, 2004 7:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
What up "michael-fay"
This may or may not be short, but keep in mind I haven't been to my apartment in 12 hours and I am starving! BUT I also haven't looked at You or Send's blogs in very long times so I just looked at yours now (keep you panties on Sends I am onto you next!).
First off I finally realized what you were talking about a while back, and I feel great that I am the infamous "straw." OK so could you at least give me some credit in the fact that it was a big misunderstanding??? Anywhoo that is over and done with, and at least you told me otherwise I would never have put 2 and 2 together!
And you forgot about BREAKING BEN. being at the concert. You never mentioned them!?!? Hello they freakin' rocked! And Send's voice has nothing over mine! (ha j/k!)
Hummm what did I want to say next... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... Ahhh student teaching... (yup I could see how that could get annoying! haha yeah I know it was a sad attempt at humor) I hope that is going well. Sorry I haven't talked to you in a while. Call me whenever. I did have my first day of class today and had a rude awakening to what exactly "Grad School" is, and that was only one class not to mention all the rest of them. But incase you were wondering I love it here so far, and UK is definitely more astetically appealing to the eye as opposed to the concrete fixture known as NKU. Actually when I go running on campus it is really nice. (am I allowed to talk about myself in your blog???)
OK well I know you are busy so call me whenever. Since my TV antenna didn't get the memo that I moved (ha---yes I realize that I'm not that funny) I don't do much in the evenings, although I guess I have a lot of studying to do NOW!
Hungry gotta go!
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