
This is my attempt at expressing my busy, procrastinating life. Obviously, these things keep me from posting often.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

All about Me by... Me

My name is Michael Fay. Well well well, look at me I've posted a decent amount lately, isn't that cool. Anyway I don't think I have let you all know enough about me so I will elaborate on me.

I like Pie.

I drive a Honda CRV but it's OK because I am looking for a new car. Yes that's right I have a perfectly good car now (except that it's a Honda) but I am looking for a new car. But wait it gets better, guess when I am plain to purchase my new car. I know you’re thinking a couple of weeks, few months, maybe with in the year, but no I am just looking now because I want to buy a new car in like 3 years and you know you can never start looking to soon.

As many of you know I want to be a high school chemistry teacher. I was inspired by my own high school chemistry teacher who always told me, "Chlorophyll, more like borophyll" and also gave me these words of wisdom: potassium nitrate’s molecular structure is equivalent to a banana when its atomic weigh is subtracted from the number of molecules on Leonard Nimoy’s butt.

I have also learned a very valuable lesson today, well most likely I will learn it tomorrow but by the time you read this it will be yesterday. And that lesson hopefully is that I have to be more careful with my password. But for now I have to poop so until next time, good night and don’t forget to tip you waitress (or waiter, whatever).