Holy Day Season
It's the Holiday season! It's the Holiday Season!
So whoop de doo.
Just kidding, I like Christmas and all, but can anyone tell me what Christmas is all about???
"I can ... 'The angel appeared unto them, and the Glory of the Lord shone 'round about them, and they were so afraid.'
"The angel of the Lord said unto them, 'Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy, that will be for all nations. Tonight a child is born who is Christ the Lord."
My favorite sweet, sappy Christmas movie is Merry Christmas Charlie Brown because Linus' monologue is amazing and heart-felt.
The true meaning of Christmas for me is found in the name Emmanuel; it means God with us. If you know about the old testament and God's promise to Moses, or His name, then you may understand this already. Way back when, and still today, God called himself I AM. To the Hebrews with Moses, this meant far more than its English translation gives it credit for. It was understood at the time to be a promise - "I will be with you".
Emmanuel means God with us, as I said, so God sends His son to be with us as part of the continual fulfillment of that promise to be with us. Only, in this way, we can truly know and feel God with us.
It's even more phenomenal when you think about when this promise is made in real life. First of all, it permeates our daily lives when we tell others that we'll be there to support them at a recital or game. But more deeply and sincerely and timelessly is the promise that is made in only two of the Catholic Church's sacraments - Marriage (solemn promise to be with each other) and Holy Orders (vow to be with God's people however He plans).
Keep this in mind this Holy Day season as you go about your business. Remember that God is with us today and always, more consistent than any human friend can be.
I don't know. I think I'm feeling peaceful, or serene.
So whoop de doo.
Just kidding, I like Christmas and all, but can anyone tell me what Christmas is all about???
"I can ... 'The angel appeared unto them, and the Glory of the Lord shone 'round about them, and they were so afraid.'
"The angel of the Lord said unto them, 'Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy, that will be for all nations. Tonight a child is born who is Christ the Lord."
My favorite sweet, sappy Christmas movie is Merry Christmas Charlie Brown because Linus' monologue is amazing and heart-felt.
The true meaning of Christmas for me is found in the name Emmanuel; it means God with us. If you know about the old testament and God's promise to Moses, or His name, then you may understand this already. Way back when, and still today, God called himself I AM. To the Hebrews with Moses, this meant far more than its English translation gives it credit for. It was understood at the time to be a promise - "I will be with you".
Emmanuel means God with us, as I said, so God sends His son to be with us as part of the continual fulfillment of that promise to be with us. Only, in this way, we can truly know and feel God with us.
It's even more phenomenal when you think about when this promise is made in real life. First of all, it permeates our daily lives when we tell others that we'll be there to support them at a recital or game. But more deeply and sincerely and timelessly is the promise that is made in only two of the Catholic Church's sacraments - Marriage (solemn promise to be with each other) and Holy Orders (vow to be with God's people however He plans).
Keep this in mind this Holy Day season as you go about your business. Remember that God is with us today and always, more consistent than any human friend can be.
I don't know. I think I'm feeling peaceful, or serene.
At January 05, 2005 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you believe in God?
At January 05, 2005 10:28 PM,
Michael-Fay said…
Who are you anonymous?
I believe in God:
-because I was taught to do so.
-because I've seen things that can only be explained by a higher power.
-because I am not so presumptuous as to believe that there is nothing greater than the human mind.
-and finally because this God in which I believe comforts me.
In short, there's no real reason... I just do and that's good enough for me. I just trust in the tradition of my religion to guide my personal faith.
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